At a particular stage in personal development, it is no longer ‘personal.’ It is for something else, for example, as an act of service to humanity, or in some cases, in service to the planet, the solar system, or the Milky Way Galaxy. You see, it's not necessarily about the self. We’re touching on a very important concept of this idea that we're mechanical machines. What is the fundamental feature of everything living? Whether single-cell organisms, a plant, a human, a horse, a dog, a cat, or a chicken, they all have one thing in common: they're little factories. All living things take simple materials from their environment and manufacture complex organic structures. That’s what life does – it manufactures form out of seemingly nothing. Life creates order from chaos and excretes substances that are eaten by other life forms.
Consider, for example, that a plant uses the sun's energy, the carbon from the air around it, and some things from the soil to construct a body for itself. Then comes a cow, who eats the plant material and uses it to create muscle and tissue. Then comes a man who eats the cow and uses some of that substance to maintain his body; some also go to power things like thought and emotions. That is a mechanical function. And you see that a person can live their life eating food, excreting waste for other things to eat, and even in the realms of connecting with specific influences that cause certain emotions that other things eat when they get exuded, or thoughts that other things eat when they get exuded, like in dreams for example. Have you ever thought about this? Something comes along and eats your dreams! A dream eater or an emotion eater! It happens on the physical level. Why wouldn't it happen throughout? But if this is the case, you must ask yourself, “What am I?” “Am I just on this planet to produce human energy?”, “Where do I fit into this?” And you start to see that, at one level, you are a cog in the machine that is organic life on the planet. The planet needs humans; therefore, there are humans on the planet. The planet needs a pentagrammic structure that can emote, think, reason, excrete, sweat, and everything else that goes along with being a human. If you touch that core sentiment, it becomes very profound because it will leave you with the question, “What am I?” And I think anyone honest with themselves at the beginning of a personal development journey will have to conclude that they're not much, and that's a hard pill to swallow. This goes back to my question, “What is it that prevents us from seeing the absolute horror of the fact of our nonentity?”The fact that we have no permanence of will, or if we have an apparent will, it's only because we couldn't help it. Some people climb Mount Everest not because they have an iron will but because they can't help it. There's something else driving them to do it. It still doesn't mean it's a conscious effort. Understand that for someone like you or me, it would take an incredible amount of will to climb Mt. Everest, but in their case, it would take an incredible amount of will for them not to because it’s a mechanical action on their part. It's just how they're wired.
Somebody must do it. As part of the organic experience of life on Earth, the planet needs someone who has climbed Mount Everest. And so, a particular structural engineering goes into a person that does that, and they're acting on that frequency. They're not in control.
So, what prevents us from seeing the horror of the situation regarding our non-entities is that we lie to ourselves.