"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul..."
-Hermes Trismegistus
Before delving into this topic, it is important to understand the esoteric concepts of scale and dominion. The term "As above, so below" is an observation of the symmetry between the very large and the very small.
The human complex is a functional replica of the universe. Everything that exists in man exists in the universe and vice versa. The difficulty in observing this is only due to a difference in scale. Thus, man can know the universe by studying himself. This is what the scriptures mean when they state that man is created in the image of God.
The idea of dominion is closely related to that of scale in so much as that which is "above" exerts an influence over that which is "below."
To further clarify, see that your hand has dominion over your fingers, your arm has dominion over your hand, your body has dominion over your arm, and your brain has dominion over your body. Similarly, the planet has dominion over your human complex; the sun has dominion over the planet; the galaxy has dominion over our solar system, and so on... up The Ray of Creation.
Now, it is known that the human has an electromagnetic container or aura that encircles them in all directions, and with the proper training, it is even possible to see it. What is not generally understood is that each person's aura stores the entire history of his or her life, thoughts, and actions in the form of corresponding shapes and colors, generally called 'thought forms.'
Like humans, the planet also has an aura known as the 'astral light,' Its contents are known as the 'occult,' a word derived from Latin that simply means 'hidden from sight.' It is called the occult because the contents of the astral light cannot be seen unless one has reached a certain level of personal development - namely, one in possession of a fully functioning and independent astral body, which you will learn more about in upcoming lessons.
A man or woman who has done the necessary work to develop an astral body can, at will, read the occult contents of the astral light and know many things, including the history of any event that has taken place on this planet.
So, to put it succinctly, the astral light is the electromagnetic aura of the planet, which has dominance over and acts as host and conditioner of the occult contents under which it can form up, assemble and appear.
Many respects,